Monday, April 16, 2018

016: Diaries

I started listening to David Sedaris's newest book, Theft by Finding: Diaries 1977-2002, yesterday afternoon. I was a little bored by the mundane stuff he was writing about, and appreciating what he does as an author to create stories rather than just publish selections from his diaries. I was also musing on keeping journals, and then sharing them. I only keep diaries are when I'm trying to claw my way out of a funk or make a tough decision, times when I'm needing to store less in my head and more on the page just to have the relief of it not all swirling and circling and rearing up little nasty thoughts constantly. And here I am, working through my own stress with this blog.

We also had a little backyard fire in the fire pit yesterday afternoon. My husband and I agreed it was time to let go of some things that don't really need to be with us any more. He burned a thick envelope full of love letters from a previous girlfriend (the one he broke up with when he met me, in fact). I had a about half a dozen journals full of various angsty times in the last 20 years that I've been working through funks and stress, none of which I've even cracked open since I wrote in them. The wind picked up so I wasn't able to burn mine, but it brings up an interesting point about this angsty funk being recorded digitally. How am I going to burn it when I get through it?

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