Thursday, April 5, 2018

005: Abundance

"Abundance is a narrow window between scarcity and overabundance." -- David at Raptitude.

This is my Why for blogging here, for coming up with lifestyle experiments, for proactively working to change both my environment and my mental game: I have to come to terms with overabundance. How lucky am I? How lucky to be dealing with too much, rather than living a life of scarcity? The irony is that my overabundance (read: overwhelm) is causing, when I get right down to it, a clear level of scarcity. Not enough time to feel rested. Not enough time for my children. Not enough time to relax enough to get a good night's sleep. Not enough time to get out and enjoy nature. Not enough physical space to be creative because the mental space required to clean and maintain all my stuff makes my home the opposite of a refuge.

I feel invigorated finally acknowledging this, and spending my time changing this situation feels right to me.

I want to live with abundance.

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