Tuesday, April 24, 2018

022,023,024: Value

I just finished reading Minimalism: Live  Meaningful Life by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus this morning before coming into the studio. It was a quick read, and while at first I was unimpressed, by the end of the book I realized I had gotten a lot to think about.

One of the ideas they come back to frequently is "How does this add value to my life?" Too often, we're all caught up with actions that we feel we should do, others expect us to do, or habits we've gotten into without thinking about, and we find ourselves filling time in ways that don't actually contribute value to our lives. We only have a limited time here and now, and spending time doing unfulfilling or useless things isn't worthwhile.

Documenting my little life experiments here doesn't add value to me. I have found that I feel better if I'm actually working toward change, rather than writing about it. I have tried blogging many times over the years, and it just never resonates with me. It's work, and it's work that I don't end up enjoying. I spend too much time thinking about the next blog post, and not enough time doing actual work that benefits me or my life.

As an extremely analytical person who likes to feel like I'm working toward a goal, I am going to try to spend one more week here sharing some of the thoughts I have and books I've read. But mostly, this is so I can feel like this was a 30-day project I completed. My Minimal Shopping Ban and my Mornings in My Studio projects are going to continue, but right now, writing about anything is taking time away from the more valuable things I want to be doing. This is actually a really good thing for me to finally acknowledge.

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