Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Before and After: Tooth

Transformation, evolution, metamorphosis, revolution.


Amazing changes all around me.

Part of what is so amazing to me about losing teeth is the inevitable March of Time. My little boy– so recently a toothless baby, it seems– grew a mouthful of teeth, and he's now losing them again. And also growing a whole new set! He told me he wanted to be a shark, so he could keep losing and growing teeth all the time. I told him I was pretty sure the Tooth Fairy couldn't afford to pay for a shark's lost teeth because there were so many of them. He then told me he was planning to lose more of his own teeth soon anyway because he's saving up for some Legos!

Another fascinating aspect of the March of Time is how the Little Sister feels like she's so far behind the curve. She wants SO badly to be doing everything that her big brother is doing, and is really competitive about many things. Her little heart is gets broken when she's told she's not old enough yet.

Losing teeth is no exception. After Rhys's photo shoot for this post, she announced, "Now it's my turn!" and showed me her pretty little pearlies.

And then, since Rhys had two photos, she needed to have two photos to show off all her teeth.

She'll lose them eventually, and I'm not ready for her to grow up too fast– but I know she feels cheated by having been born almost 3 years after her big brother. It can be so hard being a younger sibling!

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