Friday, September 27, 2013

Holding Hands

There is nothing like having a best friend. 
A best friend is there for you when you need help,
humor, a reality check, or a shoulder to cry on.
 It doesn't matter how old you or your friend are, 
or how much time you spend apart.
Best friends are secure with each other, 
and forgive the difficulties of the relationship.

And, most importantly, 
even if you are 1st grade boys,
best friends hold hands.

I was lucky enough to witness this display of friendship
on a recent afternoon, in which these boys
could share their friendship in 
an activity as mundane as walking.
The conversation roamed from zombies to Star Wars
 to the recent rain and flooding of the path we were on, 
and these boys were secure in their little world, 
knowing with certainty they would be there for each other,
 even in the face of disasters like aliens shooting dog poop at the populace.

We are so lucky to have best friends.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for those great words you put with these pictures. We do our best to convey these special moments, but I don't think anyone could express how much these two little guys mean to each other.
